Friday, 1 February 2008

ADVERTISEMENT on the bar in the beer tent. Please note this number may no longer be valid, dog collar or not.

Make your own chip-chat, make a date with a vicar. Upload your photos, stories etc. -  maybe more chat than chip or just a chippy snack snap. 
Comfort food/listen to us sizzle.
(i'm sorry, i have left this rather a long time before telling you about. But here it is, some mid winter warmth.)
It was a shorts weather day but she carried her dog collar and shirt with her ready for chip eating. Sheltering from the heat in the beer tent with Val, artist and pastor from Gloucestershire, 
we heard something of her way into becoming a vicar and it sounded not easy. We heard about her role pastoring and comforting others with 'the comfort with which we are comforted.' There was a furnace analogy about going through it and coming out tasty. There is a basic nourishment available in stopping and listening, Val was saying.
Chips are basic. Making time to stop and listen is good. So, that might mean that chip-chat can intensifry / speed up the cooking of a one off exchange between a bunch of hungry people?.. if you get this drift. Chips, comfort food maybe, but if only chips as comfort given was the kind of comfort required. (80p a bag) 
Meanwhile, if we sizzle on we might turn out tasty.